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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Slogging Up the Hudson

Still raining...The river is swollen and full of debris.  The flood tide only lasts for 3.5 hrs up here while the ebb tide lasts for almost 9 hrs.  And all the rain has increased the water flow south so we have been fighting a 2-3 knot current all day. After 6 1/2 hrs, we've only covered 30 nm (4.7 kt ave).  Quite a tidal flow considering we are almost 140 miles from the ocean!

We finally arrived at Troy, NY around 5pm.  They have a town dock along the seawall.  Quite a challenge DSC02290docking with the swift current.  This is the last stop before either the Erie or Champlain Canal routes.  We will need to lower our mast since most of the bridges are 15-20 ft high.            Photo: Alongside docks in Troy, NY

Troy, NY is home to Rensalear Polytechnic Institute (RPI).  Founded in 1824, it is the nation's oldest technical school.  The detachable shirt collar was also invented here and dress shirts were made here until 1992.  In the 1800's, Troy was a center for steel and iron manufacturing.  The steel for the Union ironclad "Monitor" came from her mills.  Troy is also the 'home' of Sam Wilson, the original inspiration for "Uncle Sam".  The comely and wily Helen of Troy also hailed from here...


Photo: "Uncle Sam" Wilson


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