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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Waterford, NY (Erie Canal)

Tied up to the free town dock in Waterford, NY.  This is just south of the last southbound lock of the Champlain Canal and only 1,000 ft from the first westbound lock of the Erie Canal.  The saying "Go West young man" emanated here.DSC02736

We walked up to the Erie Canal lock to check it out.  Where the locks on the Champlain canal raised/lowered boats 10-15 ft on average, the first five locks on the Erie Canal raise boats 30 ft each.  This 150 ft locking is the highest of any canal in the world.  It is twice as high as the entire lift of the Panama Canal.DSC02738

We were tempted to go west a ways on the Erie Canal but common sense prevailed!


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