Blog Archive

Monday, August 4, 2008

Northern Lake Champlain

We left Valcour Bay and headed further north to North Hero Island to meet up with some friends of ours.  Angus and Cynthia Ballard moved from Annapolis to Montreal a few years ago.  They were a driving force behind the Back Creek DSC02506Yacht Club; Angus is a past Commodore.  Although they live in Montreal DSC02509they keep their boat on N. Hero Island where we met them.  We all cruised a short distance to a nice anchorage where we caught up on old times and new adventures.


There were a lot of sailboats on the lake today taking advantage of a northerly wind.  With deep water everywhere (sometimes 400 ft deep) this is a sailor's paradise.  We anchored in Treadwell Bay for the night.  As far as we can determine, nothing happened here in 1775.DSC02502

It is obvious that most Canadians are returning from their two week vacation as the anchorages are virtually empty. 

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Lake Champlain: Burlington, VT North to Canadian Border

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