Blog Archive

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sandy Hook, NJ to New York Harbor

From Atlantic City we again went out in the Atlantic and up the coast of New Jersey 80 miles to Sandy Hook, NJ. This is 10 mi. short of New York and a good place to spend the night before entering NY harbor in the morning. The closer we got to NYC, the more ships there were...many, many more!

We left Sandy Hook Saturday morning at 0830 to ride the tide into New York. Your first welcome is the Verazano Narrows Bridge connecting Staten Island and Brooklyn. This is the seventh longest bridge in the world.

Entering NY harbor is pretty amazing...ships, ferries, sightseeing boats, tugs, barges and Coast Guard cutters are moving everywhere. You really need to keep your head on a swivel. This photo of our chartplotter with AIS illustrates the situation. At one time, we had information on 159 ships in a 40 mi radius.

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